I have worked with many students over my years in academia. As of this update, I have supervised (or co-supervised) 10 Phd students. I have also supervised many MS students and served on many more committees. This page has a list of the students I supervised, with a link to their dissertation/thesis and in some cases, a link to their current employment or website. I have also worked with lots of undergraduate students, their information will be included at a later date.
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At at CHI 2010: Manas Tungare, MPQ, Ben Hanrahan, Pardha Pyla, Rob Capra, Ricardo Quintana, and Michael Stewart
At Dr. Ashley Robinson's graduation (center) with her co-advisors, Dr. Glenda Scales (left), and MPQ (right)
Drs. Jamika Burge, Cheryl Seals, and Tracy Lewis
As of this writing, all of these dissertations were from the Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech. For all of them I have included a link to their dissertation, in case you need some bedtime reading. Where possible, I have included a link to their current website and additional info.