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  • Transforming Grading Practices in the Computing Education Community, . PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Co-PI: Audrey Rorrer, Dates of performance: Jul 01, 2023 - Jun 30, 2028, Amount: $212,891, Awardee organization: UNCC.
  • RPP HS Strand (Small): Preparing High School Teachers to Broaden Participation by Teaching Programming Online, . PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Co-PI: Florence Martin, David Pugalee, Dates of performance: Nov 1, 2020 - Oct 31, 2023, Amount: $299,848, Awardee organization: UNCC.
  • Collaborative Research: BPC-AE: STARS: Catalyzing Action-Oriented Academic Communities for Broadening Participation in Computing, . PI: Audrey Rorrer, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: Oct 01, 2021, Amount: $173,277, Awardee organization: UNCC.
  • Collaborative Research: Promoting a Growth Mindset Using Automated Feedback, . PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: Sept 01, 2016-Aug 30, 2019, Amount: $150,000, Awardee organization: UNCC.
  • CodePractice: Developing Coding Skills Using Social and Adaptive Drill-and-Practice Exercises, DUE: Division of Undergraduate Education (#1245589). PI: Stephen Edwards, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: July 1, 2013-June 30, 2016, Amount: $199,737, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Participation on the Town Square in the Era of Web 2.0, SES: Division of Social and Economic Sciences (#1111239). PI: Andrea Kavanaugh, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Naren Ramakrishnan, John Tedesco, Dates of performance: September 15, 2011-August 31, 2014, Amount: $749,999, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Sustainable Diversity in the Computing Research Pipeline, CNS: Division of Computer and Network Systems (#1246649). PI: Tracy Camp, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Andrew Bernat, Dates of performance: October 1, 2012-September 30, 2017, Amount: $5,569,431, Awardee organization: CRA.
  • Planning Grant: Integrating Computational Thinking Into Middle School Curriculum, CNS: Division of Computer and Network Systems (#1132227). PI: Deborah Tatar, Co-PI: Dennis Kafura, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Steve Harrison, Chris Corallo, Dates of performance: October 1, 2011-January 31, 2015, Amount: $199,998, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • CS Principles Pilot Site Round 2, The College Board. PI: Dwight Barnette, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, collaboration with Rebecca Dovi, Patrick Henry High School, Amount: $15,000, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Computer-Human Interaction Workshop: A Discipline Specific Mentoring Proposal, CRA-W, Workshop co-located with CHI 2012, Austin, TX. PI: Ron Metoyer, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: amount: $24,000, Awardee organization: CRA.
  • WORKSHOP: Student Travel Support for the CHI Mentoring 2012 Workshop, IIS: Division of Information & Intelligent Systems (#1237485). PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Co-PI: Ron Metoyer, Dates of performance: April 1, 2012-March 31, 2014, Amount: $13,750, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • High School Teachers Workshop 2011, CS4HS Grant, Google Inc.. PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Amount: $15,000, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • BPC Pipeline: Five Year Extension, CNS: Division of Computer and Network Systems (#1042403). PI: Kathleen Fisher, Co-PI: Andrew Bernat, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: February 1, 2011-January 31, 2014, Amount: $750,720, Awardee organization: CRA.
  • NIOSH/CDC Virginia Tech OSH Research Cooperative Agreement, NIOSH. PI: Brian Kleiner, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, and others, Dates of performance: 09/01/09 - 08/31/14, Amount: $6,472,495, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • WORKSHOP: Student Travel Support for the CHI Mentoring Workshop, IIS: Division of Information & Intelligent Systems (#1020637). PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Co-PI: Ron Metoyer, Dates of performance: March 1, 2010-February 28, 2011, Amount: $11,374, Awardee organization: CRA.
  • Computer-Human Interaction Workshop: A Discipline Specific Mentoring Proposal, CRA-W. PI: Ron Metoyer, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: amount: $30,000, Awardee organization: CRA.
  • A Proposal for Funding Student Scholarships to The Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference 2009, CNS: Division of Computer and Network Systems (#0926083). PI: Manuel Pérez-Quiñones, Co-PI: Ronald Metoyer, Dates of performance: April 15, 2009-September 30, 2010, Amount: $73,680, Awardee organization: CRA.
  • BPC-A: Widening the Research Pipeline, REU Supplement to CRA-W/CDC BPC Alliance, NSF. PI: Lori A. Clarke, Co-PI: Andrew Bernat, Carla S. Ellis, Margaret Martonosi, Pamela J. Williams (Senior Personnel: M. A. Pérez-Quiñones), Dates of performance: 2009-2010, Amount: $5,000, Awardee organization: CRA.
  • Ensemble: Enriching Communities and Collections to Support Education in Computing, DUE: Division of Undergraduate Education (#0840719). PI: Edward Fox, Co-PI: Patrick Fan, Stephen Edwards (Senior Personnel: M. A. Pérez-Quiñones), Dates of performance: September 15, 2008-August 31, 2014, Amount: $2,500,000, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Collaborative Research: CPATH CB: Distributed Expertise in Enhancing Computing Education with Connections to the Arts, IIS: Division of Information & Intelligent Systems (#0829625). PI: M. A. Pérez-Quiñones, Co-PI: Steve Harrison, Deborah Tatar, Dates of performance: September 1, 2008-August 31, 2011, Amount: $120,000, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Understanding the Latino College Experience in Virginia. Funded by VT's Faculty Diversity Grant Program, Virginia Tech. PI: Carlos Evia, Co-PI: M. A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: May 1, 2008-April 30, 2009, Amount: $3,000, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Stars Alliance, subcontract to UNC Charlotte BPC Alliance, NSF. PI: D.S. McCrickard, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: Sept 2007-Sept 2008, Amount: $22,176, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Workshop: Computing Education Needs Assessment, February 2008 - Washington, DC, DUE: Division of Undergraduate Education (#0752030). PI: L. Cassel, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: October 1, 2007-September 30, 2009, Amount: $50,000, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • CPATH CB: Connecting Computing Educators Within and Outside the Traditional Boundaries, CCF: Division of Computer and Communication Foundations (#0722223). PI: L. Cassell, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, S.R. Harrison, Dates of performance: September 1, 2007-August 31, 2009, Amount: $80,000, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Educational Support for Testing Graphical User Interfaces, DUE: Division of Undergraduate Education (CCLI-Phase 1) (#0633594). PI: S. H. Edwards, Co-PI: M. A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: May 15, 2007-April 30, 2010, Amount: $149,899, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Community Resources for Automated Grading, DUE: Division of Undergraduate Education (CCLI-Phase 2) (#0618663). PI: S. H. Edwards, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, C. Evia, Dates of performance: September 1, 2006-August 31, 2010, Amount: $499,989, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • BPC Supplement: Hispanics in Digital Government: Creating a Pipeline of Hispanic Students Between Virginia Tech and the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, NSF Broadening Participation in Computing Program, Supplement to Modeling Online Participation in Local Governance grant. PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Co-PI: A. Kavanaugh, B. Vélez-Rivera, Dates of performance: amount: $51,980, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Interfaces for the Embodied Mind, CNS: Division of Computer and Network Systems (#0551610). PI: Francis Quek, Co-PI: Doug Bowman, Deborah Tatar, Chris North, Woodrow Winchester, Andrea Kavanaugh, Steve Harrison, Yingen Xiong, Joseph Gabbard, Shawn Bohner, Tonya Smith-Jackson, Daniel Dunlap, Roger Ehrich, Edward Fox, Denis Gracanin, Debby Hix, Thomas Martin, Scott McCrickard, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Bill Carstensen, Dates of performance: March 15, 2006-February 29, 2012, Amount: $206,938, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Beyond Human Memory: SenseCam Use in Veterinary College and as Assistive Technology, Microsoft Research Digital Memories (Memex). PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Co-PI: E.A. Fox, Dates of performance: January 1, 2006-December 31, 2006, Amount: $49,894, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Personalization of Content: Bridging the gap between NSDL and its users through the course website, DUE: Division of Undergraduate Education (#0532825). PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Co-PI: E.A. Fox, P. Fan, L. Cassel, Dates of performance: September 1, 2005-August 31, 2009, Amount: $450,000, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Use of a Tablet PC for Peer-Review Activities in CS1 and CS2, Microsoft Faculty Grants. PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Co-PI: Stephen Edwards, Dates of performance: August 2005 –July 2006, Amount: $53,926, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • NSF ITWF: Scholars of the Future: An Implementation Model for Increasing Diversity in Information Technology, CNS: Division of Computer and Network Systems (#0420485). PI: J.E. Gilbert (Auburn), Co-PI: Theron Hendrix, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Lecia Baker, Dates of performance: August 1, 2004-July 31, 2009, Amount: $754,983, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Modeling Online Participation in Local Governance, IIS: Division of Information & Intelligent Systems (#0429274). PI: Andrea Kavanaugh, Co-PI: Daniel Dunlap, Philip Isenhour, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: September 1, 2004-February 29, 2008, Amount: $550,002, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • NSF EIA-0312668: Web Development by Non-programmers, CNS: Division of Computer and Network Systems (#0353309). PI: M. B. Rosson, Co-PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: September 15, 2003-July 31, 2006, Amount: $93,106, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Research on the Use of VoiceXML Within the Context of the WebSphere Transcoding Publisher, IBM. PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: January 2002-December 2003, Amount: $50,000, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Computing and Information Technology Interactive Digital Educational Library (CITIDEL), DUE: Division of Undergraduate Education (#0121679). PI: Fox, E.A, Co-PI: Lee, JAN, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Giles, C.L., Cassel, L., Impagliazzo, J., Knox, D., Dates of performance: September 15, 2001-May 31, 2005, Amount: $835,000, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • CAREER: Dialogue Context in Graphical User Interfaces: Representation, Portability and Uses, IIS: Division of Information & Intelligent Systems (#0049075). PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: August 10, 2000-February 29, 2004, Amount: $313,798, Awardee organization: Virginia Tech.
  • Mobile Computing: Portability of User Interfaces Across Very Different Platforms, UPRM R&D Center Seed Grant. PI: Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Dates of performance: 1997-1998, Amount: $5,000, Awardee organization: UPRM.